Monday, May 22, 2017

Meanwhile Back at the Farm

Well it looks like my husband will have to have 2 surgeries.  One on his back and one on his shoulder.  There were a lot of other things that we had planned on doing...this wasn't one of them.  Unfortunately, one of the surgeries will be slow recovery time.  It seems like if it's not one thing it's ten others sometimes.

My children continue to be in my prayers.  I pray the higher power will open their hearts and give them the strength they need for success.  Understand I am no theocrat and in no way judgmental in who or what you believe in.  I'm just happy if you have something to believe in.  As their mom, I always celebrate their victories and am devastated if they fail.  I don't always voice my joy, I admit I am waiting for the other shoe to fall, for things to go terribly wrong again.  My reactions to failure have ranged from tears to anger, and even snide comments by me.  Through it all I can only say for any certainty that I am evolving as a person.  I will continue to have successes and my own failures and I hope my kids can bear with me.  My love never diminished, my belief in your ability to beat this addiction never waivered, but my trust in you has been crumbled and will take time to rebuild.


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