Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Life Goes On And/Or Stepping Back

I got interrupted trying to spend time with my husband.  I'm going to have to be blunt with him.  Poor things has a chronic medical issue and doesn't handle stress very well.  And even if he weren't disabled, we would have to still try to work on our relationship.  I nee my alone time too.  I can process things much faster this way.  I get tired easily and the stress doesn't help.

No word from one child.  The other, in treatment, called and was pretty shitty on the phone.  That child wasn't going to call us again.  That lasted until the next morning and again that evening.  The call was a bit more cordial.  I am choosing to let my husband handle the phone calls.  I just let him know that I am at my BS limit.

This was my 1st lesson in just stepping away.  It was the 1st time that I have actually had the time to process the information and go through the emotional.  I do realize that the only person that was stopping me was me.  Of course, many people are dealing with aged parents and young adult children.  The luxury of time to process just isn't available.  So we try to reason through it, but reason and common sense goes right out the window when dealing with addiction.  That isn't to say that I have left my husband hanging out there on his own.  We do listen to the conversation, whether or not we wish to participate.  My husband and I know what the other has said and it can't be taken out of context or used as insinuations.

My husband and I do try to make time for each other.  Right now it's Dr. appointments.  We try to laugh at things life throws at us.  I know my husband is a complete goober sometimes, but he is MY goober.  Partners will understand that last comment.  I actually debated whether or not to put this in the blog, but we do have other relationships that we need to nourish.   It occurred to me that I'm not the only one dealing with this either and it might help someone to see my own journey with my partner too.  I suppose this was my 2nd lesson for this session.

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