Tuesday, October 24, 2017

So my hubby had a dental cleaning yesterday and we left the big dog so she could get into all of the house. She knocked my cookbook off the counter, chewed the cap off my new nail file, chewed on my spongy nail file, got into the trash by my hubby's recliner and ate part of a paper plate that had pecan pie residue on it, and knocked my recliner over.  The house actually looked pretty good...those of you who have raised a big dog will understand that last comment.

After a long day I watched some no-brainer TV.  There was a commercial about a guy in a woman's yoga class, passes gas, and hopes no one will know who did it.  The ending of, "...put less boom in the room" caught my attention and now I can't remember the product name.  And, I swear one of the next commercials was these big brown rice looking things on the floor and it opens the pantry door to a guy dressed in a mouse suit.  Before you think I'm getting sanctimonious, of course I laughed.  I did think Good Lord.

I think back to my Granny and what she would think.  This is the lady who was incensed when my mother used the word, "fart" in a Scrabble game.  And, yes, it is a word because we had to look it up then and there in the Oxford dictionary. This morning I woke up to Donald Trump and Sen. Corker going at it again.  I can hardly believe the things that Sen. Corker said in a live interview and again on his way to a GOP luncheon at the White House.  One of the talking heads didn't think even Sen. Chuck Schumer would go that far in criticizing Donald Trump.  My Granny would be laughing; good, bad, or otherwise, in my family, we got our sense of humor from her.  Though she was a Democrat through and through, at her core, she would have been pretty upset at the political division and that we have taken it too far. 

Trump is also touting his border wall and how it will put a stop to opioids coming into this country.  Sanjay Gupta did a segment that highlighted how opioids are coming into this country and it is through all points of entry.  There is a piece that showed how cartel held areas are planting poppies instead of marijuana now.  I think we can safely count that as a consequence of the War On Drugs. It might be worth noting here that fentanyl is coming from China and not Mexico.  Not only is fentanyl 100 times stronger than heroin they are developing stronger doses all the time.  They have some called elephant tranquilizer.

When communism took over in China, their way of dealing with drug addicts was to execute them publically.  Now they are shipping this poison all over the world.  Interestingly enough, the countries with more stringent drug laws are their target buyers.  Pease check your news and keep them accountable.  Become a better citizen, get informed, and make your voice heard.


Remember I have chose not to use family names on this site.

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