Saturday, October 7, 2017

Back After Summer Vacation

As you can see, I didn't make it on here much this summer.  My hubby did end up getting back surgery, also so did my dog Max.  He had to have a ligament poor guys.  I also tried a garden but it got hailed on after I put up a fence to keep the deer out.  After the hail storm my plants looked pretty bad and if that wasn't bad enough, a gopher moved in and that was the end of the garden.

We sat through Harvey, waiting to hear from our child that went through it.  After the "I'm OK" I haven't heard back since I won't send money.  I did contact a friend and told them not to give money but if they needed something, get it and I would pay them back.  My friend came up from Houston and was worried about her home.  The house did fine thankfully but it did take a bit to get her a bus home.

We did get some fishing in...mainly me.  We caught quite a few and have them in the freezer.  My husband is amazed that I have gotten into fishing so much.  He got me a new fishing rod and reel for my birthday, 3 months early haha.  Hopefully we can go fishing more next summer.

After the post of using the arts to help with stress, I have started on some painting.  When I get done with something, I will post some pictures...if I can get someone to help me with that.  I'm beginning to feel like the old couple on the ad that they give all electronics to the grandkids to get it to work.  There are several craft projects going on and hope to have them finished this winter.

So with this said, I am hoping to get some things going after the 1st of the year.  In my area I hope to get a fundraiser going to help folks with treatment. There are a few things that I want to get straight before I start i.e. taxes and the like.  I'm thinking something like change to change lives or dimes for drug addiction.  Any way I will let you all know how it goes.  I have also decided not to use GoFundMe because of the money they take out to shift money.  From where I sit, we need every penny we can get.

My prayers are with you all.

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