Thursday, April 27, 2017

Down the Rabbit Hole

As it turns out, I have quite a lot to say about the kids.  What does it say that I would rather go to Standing Rock and risk getting shot with a water cannon or rubber bullets or have dogs attacking me, than help my kids right now.  Each one of my children are the first to criticize their siblings. 

I don't feel quite so dramatic now.  At the time there were so many things going on at once.  Of course being critical of the other saying well I may do this but I don't do that.  The this and that's just get wilder and wilder as we go down this rabbit hole.  I have heard some pretty wild crap over the years.
  • Their kids need medical care
  • Their kids need medicine
  • Homelessness
  • Assaulted
  • Kidnapped
  • They're really sick with a serious disease
The one child that was in the county jail called, supposedly sick.  I have not heard if it's true or not and I find myself hoping that it was just another lie.  If my child is alive at least I have hope no matter how small a glimmer.

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