Just a reminder that The International Day of Peace is Tuesday, March 21st. This is an annual event where cities all around the world come together for peace and ceasefire. Since so many of our veterans have problems with addiction I hope we can come together for one day and send prayers up to our Creator for peace. In addition, I would also like us to pray for justice because without justice you cannot have peace.
As with so many addicts, the issue with my son is relapsing. This weekend was a bummer. My son was to spend the weekend with his daughter. After all the goodies were gotten, she was bored and wanted go home. Of course my son was devastated. He woke up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. At this point I'm not sure he used, I guess we will find out if they did a UA on him. It really doesn't matter since he's on probation and isn't supposed to drink. Later in the week I guess we will find out if there are to be any repercussions.
I had a feeling that something was going to happen. I actually woke up in the middle of the night and knew whatever it was, it had already happened. Now in all honesty, I probably have been conditioned to it, but I hoped that I was wrong. There are people who can just turn their backs after so long; I haven't gotten there yet. Don't get me wrong if my child show up at my home in that condition, I will take them to rehab or if they get belligerent I will call the police, but that is mainly for the protection of everyone involved. At this point I would rather know. The day may come when I no longer feel that way, so please understand that I am not criticizing the family members who have had enough. It's a hard and emotional journey.
Have A Blessed Day!
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